Rape defence lawyer

If you have been accused of a sex crime in Scotland, it is essential that you hire an experienced sex crime lawyer as soon as possible.

A sex crime case begins the moment a report of a sexual offence is reported to the police by a victim or witness so being prepared is key to building the best possible defence.

Facing allegations of sexual offences can have a major impact on your life and being convicted can destroy your reputation, damage or end interpersonal relationships, and ruin your career, meaning finding the correct attorney is a vital decision.

What allegations can a sex crime lawyer defend you against?

A skilled sex crime defence attorney will be able to give you advice and prepare a defence for almost any sex related offence.

These include:

  • Rape
  • Sexual Assault
  • Indecent exposure
  • Child pornography
  • Prostitution
  • Sexual battery
  • Human Trafficking

How to find the right sex crime lawyer

With finding the correct legal representation being so important in sex crime cases, it is vital that you know how to go about identifying a suitable lawyer for your case.

Given the time sensitive nature of sex crime investigations you may not have a lot of time to do extensive research and you may feel a huge amount of pressure to make the correct decision with limited time available.

Here are some key tips for hiring a suitable sex crime lawyer to represent your interests:

1. Find a lawyer with specific experience

Sex crimes come in many different forms, and it is essential that the attorney that you choose has experience of successfully defending their clients against crimes similar to the one you are accused of.

Just as you wouldn’t let a brain surgeon operate on your heart, lawyers have their own specialisms and just because a lawyer comes highly respected and recommended does not mean they have the skills to take on your case.

During an initial consultation with a potential lawyer, you should ask questions to get an idea of their experience in the field of sex crimes.

These could include:

  • How long have you been handling sex crime cases?
  • How many qualified sex crime experts are in your team?
  • Have you litigated any cases similar to mine?

Some law firms may have anonymous testimonials from previous clients that can also be a good measure of their proficiency.

2. Understand the Strategy

There are a number of different approaches that your lawyer could take to defend you against sex crime allegations.

These could include settling out of court by signing a plea agreement on your behalf, discrediting the prosecution’s evidence, having the case thrown out entirely, or building a strong defence plan for a high court case.

When talking to possible Rape defence lawyer you should ask them what strategy they intend to pursue and only hire someone who is able to provide a concise and clear action plan.

3. Don’t act alone

During a sex crime case, a single mistake could be the difference between acquittal and a conviction that would have a devastating impact on the rest of your life.

Trying to take matters into your own hands by talking to prosecutors or any individuals directly involved in the case is a very bad idea and you should always consult with your expert sex crime lawyer before taking any action.

4. Help when possible

Your lawyer will handle the vast majority of your legal defence; however, you may be able to help out in some ways that could prove crucial to the outcome.

Your attorney may ask you for potential character references or witnesses or to provide as much physical evidence as possible. During your initial consultation with a lawyer, you should ask what they expect from you as the case develops.

Contact a specialist sex crime lawyer

If you have been accused of a crime of a sexual nature, or think you may be in the future, contact Aamer Anwar & Co. as soon as possible.

Our multi-award winning Scottish lawyers are experts in handling cases involving a wide range of different sex crime charges including prostitution, pornography, gross indecency, indecent assault, and rape.

Being accused of a sex crime is a traumatising experience and we will put together a specialist team with a proven track record of High Court success, to help build the best possible defence for your case.

With our offices open 24/7, 365 days a year, we will always be on hand to deal with any issues or problems associated with your case.

For a legal consultation contact us today by phone on 0141 429 7090, email: office@aameranwar.com, or fill out our contact form below.